User has posibility to search token by its contract address (CA) as well. However, in this case gained data is limited in compare to TOP 250 list, the reason is simple - sources of informations about selected project. In the first case, Terminal downloads more exact data from CoinGecko's API whereas, in the second case, from Dexscreener which offers less accuracy. Searching token by CA, you will receive:
Copy def display_token_info_by_ca ( self , token_data ):
if hasattr (self, 'project_info_frame' ):
self . project_info_frame . destroy ()
self . project_info_frame = customtkinter . CTkFrame (self.main_content_frame)
self . project_info_frame . grid (row = 3 , column = 0 , padx = 20 , pady = 20 , sticky = "nsew" )
self . project_info_frame . grid_columnconfigure ( 0 , weight = 1 )
try :
price_usd = float (token_data[ 'priceUsd' ])
except ( ValueError , TypeError ) :
price_usd = 0
name = token_data [ 'baseToken' ] [ 'name' ]
symbol = token_data [ 'baseToken' ] [ 'symbol' ]
contract_address = token_data [ 'baseToken' ] [ 'address' ]
dex_id = token_data [ 'dexId' ]
liquidity_usd = token_data [ 'liquidity' ]. get ( 'usd' , 0 )
volume_24h = token_data [ 'volume' ]. get ( 'h24' , 0 )
market_cap = token_data . get ( 'marketCap' , 'N/A' )
info_frame = customtkinter . CTkFrame (self.project_info_frame, fg_color = "transparent" )
info_frame . grid (row = 0 , column = 0 , padx = 20 , pady = 10 , sticky = "nsew" )
info_frame . grid_columnconfigure ( 0 , weight = 1 )
info_frame . grid_columnconfigure ( 1 , weight = 2 )
labels = [
( "Token Name:" , f " { name } ( { symbol } )" ) ,
( "Contract Address:" , contract_address) ,
( "Price:" , f "$ { format_number (price_usd, 2 ) } " ) ,
( "DEX:" , dex_id) ,
( "Liquidity (USD):" , f "$ { format_number (liquidity_usd, 2 ) } " ) ,
( "Volume (24h):" , f "$ { format_number (volume_24h, 2 ) } " ) ,
( "Market Cap:" , f "$ { format_number (market_cap, 2 ) } " if isinstance (market_cap, ( int , float )) else "N/A" )
for idx , (label_text , value_text) in enumerate (labels):
label = customtkinter . CTkLabel (info_frame, text = label_text, anchor = "w" , font = customtkinter. CTkFont (weight = "bold" ))
label . grid (row = idx, column = 0 , padx = 5 , pady = 2 , sticky = "w" )
value = customtkinter . CTkLabel (info_frame, text = value_text, anchor = "w" )
value . grid (row = idx, column = 1 , padx = 5 , pady = 2 , sticky = "w" )
if label_text == "Contract Address:" :
copy_button = customtkinter . CTkButton (info_frame, text = "Copy" , width = 60 , command =lambda ca = contract_address: self. copy_to_clipboard (ca))
copy_button . grid (row = idx, column = 2 , padx = 5 , pady = 2 , sticky = "w" )
buttons_frame = customtkinter . CTkFrame (self.project_info_frame)
buttons_frame . grid (row = 1 , column = 0 , padx = 20 , pady = 10 , sticky = "w" )
dexscreener_button = customtkinter . CTkButton (buttons_frame, text = "Show on Dexscreener" , command =lambda : self. open_dexscreener (token_data[ 'baseToken' ][ 'address' ]))
dexscreener_button . grid (row = 0 , column = 0 , padx = 10 , pady = 10 )
swap_button = customtkinter . CTkButton (buttons_frame, text = "Swap via Jupiter" , command =lambda : self. open_jupiter (token_data[ 'baseToken' ][ 'address' ]))
swap_button . grid (row = 0 , column = 1 , padx = 10 , pady = 10 )
audit_button = customtkinter . CTkButton (buttons_frame, text = "Audit via GoPlus" , command =lambda : self. open_goplus_audit (token_data[ 'baseToken' ][ 'address' ]))
audit_button . grid (row = 0 , column = 2 , padx = 10 , pady = 10 )