We can stand out two kinds of sending transactions from the Terminal. Although from user's point of view, it looks like one wholeness, each functionality is backed by different, complex pieces of code. The two kinds are:
Copy def send_solana ( self , private_key_base58 , recipient_public_key , amount ):
client = Client (self.endpoints[ 'send_solana' ])
try :
private_key_bytes = base58 . b58decode (private_key_base58)
keypair = Keypair . from_secret_key (private_key_bytes)
recipient_pubkey = PublicKey (recipient_public_key)
transaction = Transaction (). add (
transfer (
TransferParams (
from_pubkey = keypair.public_key,
to_pubkey = recipient_pubkey,
lamports = int (amount * 1e9 )
response = client . send_transaction (transaction, keypair, opts = TxOpts (skip_confirmation = False ))
if response . get ( 'result' ):
Copy def send_token ( self , private_key_base58 , recipient_public_key , token_mint_address , amount , decimals ):
client = Client (self.endpoints[ 'send_token' ])
try :
private_key_bytes = base58 . b58decode (private_key_base58)
sender_keypair = Keypair . from_secret_key (private_key_bytes)
sender_public_key = sender_keypair . public_key
recipient_public_key = PublicKey (recipient_public_key)
token_mint = PublicKey (token_mint_address)
sender_token_account = get_associated_token_address (sender_public_key, token_mint)
recipient_token_account = get_associated_token_address (recipient_public_key, token_mint)
recipient_account_info = client . get_account_info (recipient_token_account)
transaction = Transaction ()
if recipient_account_info [ 'result' ] [ 'value' ] is None :
create_assoc_instr = create_associated_token_account (
payer = sender_public_key,
owner = recipient_public_key,
mint = token_mint
transaction . add (create_assoc_instr)
amount_int = int (amount * ( 10 ** decimals))
transfer_params = TransferCheckedParams (
program_id = TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID,
source = sender_token_account,
mint = token_mint,
dest = recipient_token_account,
owner = sender_public_key,
amount = amount_int,
decimals = decimals
transfer_instr = transfer_checked (transfer_params)
transaction . add (transfer_instr)
response = client . send_transaction (transaction, sender_keypair, opts = TxOpts (skip_confirmation = False ))
if response . get ( 'result' ):
Copy def send_transaction ( self , public_key , private_key_base58 ):
recipient = self . recipient_entry . get ()
try :
amount = float (self.amount_entry. get ())
token_info = self . selected_send_token_info
if token_info is None :
self . show_message ( "Selected token not found." , "Error" )
symbol = token_info [ 'symbol' ]
if symbol == 'SOL' :
if amount > token_info [ 'amount' ]:
self . show_message ( "Insufficient SOL balance. Please enter a valid amount." , "Error" )
else :
self . show_processing_indicator ()
threading . Thread (target = self.send_solana_thread, args = (private_key_base58, recipient, amount), daemon = True ). start ()
else :
if amount > token_info [ 'amount' ]:
self . show_message ( "Insufficient token balance. Please enter a valid amount." , "Error" )
else :
self . show_processing_indicator ()
threading . Thread (target = self.send_token_thread, args = (private_key_base58, recipient, token_info, amount), daemon = True ). start ()
except ValueError :
self . show_message ( "Invalid amount. Please enter a number." , "Error" )